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Why Austin Air HealthMate Plus is the Best Air Purifier for Pet Owners

Why Austin Air HealthMate Plus is the Best Air Purifier for Pet Owners

If you're a pet owner, you know that having a furry friend around the house can be one of life's greatest joys. However, you also know that pets can bring a lot of unwanted allergens and odors into your home. This is where the best air purifier for pets can come in handy.

Air purifiers for pets are designed to filter out pet dander, hair, and other allergens that can cause respiratory problems and allergic reactions. Additionally, they can help eliminate pet odors that can linger in your home. With so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the best air purifier for your needs. That's why we've researched to help you find the right one for you and your furry friend.

In this guide, we'll explain why the Austin Air HealthMate Plus is the best air purifier for pet owners. You'll learn how it removes pet hair, dander, and allergens. We'll cover the special filter that makes it work so well. Real reviews from pet owners will show how it helps. We'll also talk about how easy it is to maintain and the cost. By the end, you'll know why this air purifier is perfect for homes with pets.

Introduction to Austin Air HealthMate Plus


For pet owners seeking an air purifier that efficiently eliminates pet dander, dust, allergens, and airborne pollutants, the Austin Air HealthMate Plus is the best choice. Designed to deliver clean, fresh air, this purifier offers features tailored for pet-friendly homes.

The Austin Air HealthMate Plus features a Medical Grade HEPA filter that removes bacteria and viruses, ideal for airborne contaminant protection, including pet dander. With over 780 cubic inches of Activated Carbon and Zeolite, it effectively eliminates chemicals and odors, beneficial for pet owners combating pet odors. 

This air purifier excels in removing particles like formaldehyde, smoke, dust, and pollens, with a strong capacity for VOCs and bacteria removal, making it suitable for those with health concerns. Overall, the Austin Air HealthMate Plus is a top choice for pet owners seeking to eliminate pet dander, allergens, and pollutants effectively.

Features of the Austin Air HealthMate Plus

If you are a pet owner, you know how important it is to have clean air in your home. The Austin Air HealthMate Plus air purifier is designed with pet owners in mind, offering a range of features that make it one of the best air purifiers for pets.

1. HEPA Filters for Allergen Removal

The Austin Air HealthMate Plus uses a medical-grade HEPA filter that removes up to 99.97% of airborne allergens, including pet dander, pollen, dust mites, and other allergens. This filter is designed to capture even the smallest particles, ensuring that you and your pets can breathe clean, fresh air.

2. Activated Carbon Filters for Odor Control

In addition to the HEPA filter, the Austin Air HealthMate Plus also features an odor-removing filter that uses activated carbon to remove pet odors and other household odors. This filter is designed to remove odors from pets, smoke, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), ensuring that your home smells fresh and clean.

3. Pre-filters for Pet Hair and Fur

The Austin Air HealthMate Plus also features a pre-filter that captures pet hair and fur, preventing it from clogging the HEPA filter and reducing its effectiveness. This pre-filter is designed to capture loose fur and hair, ensuring that your air purifier continues to work effectively for longer periods.

4. Advanced Sensors and Indicators

The Austin Air HealthMate Plus features advanced sensors and indicators that monitor the air quality in your home and alert you when it's time to replace the filters. The filter replacement indicator lets you know when it's time to replace the HEPA filter, while the air quality sensor measures the quality of the air in your home and adjusts the fan speed accordingly.

Benefits of Air Purifiers for Pet Owners

As a pet owner, you cherish your furry companion, but they can also bring challenges like pet hair, dander, and odors. These issues are particularly troublesome for allergy and asthma sufferers. Air purifiers offer a solution to improve indoor air quality and alleviate these pet-related problems.

Here are some benefits of air purifiers:

1. Reduction of Airborne Allergens

One of the primary benefits of air purifiers for pet owners is the reduction of airborne allergens. Pet hair and dander can trigger allergic reactions in some people, causing symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, and itchy eyes. Air purifiers with HEPA filters can trap these allergens, preventing them from circulating in the air and causing problems.

2. Improvement of Indoor Air Quality

Air purifiers can also help improve indoor air quality by removing particulate matter, such as PM 2.5, from the air. This is important because indoor air can be more polluted than outdoor air, especially in homes with pets. By removing these pollutants from the air, air purifiers can help create a healthier living environment for you and your furry friend.

3. Neutralization of Pet Odors

Another benefit of air purifiers for pet owners is the neutralization of pet odors. Activated carbon filters can help remove odors from the air, making your home smell fresher and cleaner. This is especially important for pet owners who live in small spaces or apartments where odors can linger.

The Austin Air HealthMate Plus is an excellent air purifier for pet owners. It features a four-stage filtration system that includes a HEPA filter, activated carbon filter, and pre-filter. This system is highly effective in managing pet hair, dander, and odors, as well as improving indoor air quality. The HealthMate Plus is also energy-efficient and easy to maintain, making it a great choice for pet owners who want a high-quality air purifier that is both effective and easy to use.

Maintenance and Cost

When it comes to maintaining your air purifier, the Austin Air HealthMate Plus is a great option. It is designed to be low maintenance, with a filter that only needs to be replaced every 5 years. This means that you won't have to worry about constantly changing out filters, which can be a hassle and a costly expense.

In terms of cost, the Austin Air HealthMate Plus is a bit more expensive than some other air purifiers on the market. However, the long filter life and low maintenance requirements make it a cost-effective option in the long run. The replacement filters for the Austin Air HealthMate Plus are also more expensive than some other air purifiers, but again, the extended filter life means that you won't have to replace them as frequently.

The current price is $854.99 from Carbon Wellness.

Why Austin Air HealthMate Plus is the Best Air Purifier for Pet Owners

Why Austin Air HealthMate Plus is the Best Air Purifier for Pet Owners

Pet dander, fur, and odors can accumulate quickly, leading to allergies, respiratory problems, and unpleasant smells. That's where the Austin Air HealthMate Plus comes in. 

Here's why it's the best air purifier for pet owners:

1. Advanced Filtration System

The Austin Air HealthMate Plus features a four-stage filtration system that is designed to remove pet dander, hair, and odors. The first stage is a large particle pre-filter that captures pet hair and larger particles. The second stage is a medium particle pre-filter that captures smaller particles like pet dander. The third stage is a carbon filter that removes odors and chemicals. The fourth and final stage is a medical-grade HEPA filter that captures 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns.

2. High-Quality Construction

The Austin Air HealthMate Plus is constructed with high-quality materials, including powder-coated steel housing that is both durable and attractive. It also features a permanent split capacitor (PSC) motor that draws less current and reduces operating costs. The unit is designed to run quietly and efficiently, making it perfect for use in any room of your home.

3. Trusted by Pet Owners

The Austin Air HealthMate Plus has received rave reviews from pet owners who have used it to improve the air quality in their homes. Many users have reported a significant reduction in pet odors and allergy symptoms after using the unit. Additionally, the HealthMate Plus is backed by a five-year warranty, giving pet owners peace of mind that their investment is protected.


If you're a pet owner, you know how important it is to keep your home free of pet dander, hair, and odors. Investing in an air purifier can help keep the air in your home clean and healthy for both you and your furry friends. After researching and analyzing various options, we highly recommend the Austin Air HealthMate Plus as the best air purifier for pet owners.

Several key points make the Austin Air HealthMate Plus stand out. First and foremost, it uses a four-stage filtration system that includes a HEPA filter, activated carbon filter, and zeolite filter. This powerful combination effectively removes pet dander, hair, and odors from the air. Additionally, the HealthMate Plus is designed to filter particles as small as 0.3 microns, making it highly effective at capturing even the smallest allergens and pollutants.

Another benefit of the Austin Air HealthMate Plus is its durable construction. Made in the USA with high-quality materials, this air purifier is built to last. It also has a long filter life, with each filter lasting up to five years, making it a cost-effective option in the long run. Visit Carbon Wellness today and get the durable and cost-effective Austin Air HealthMate Plus for cleaner air in your home.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do air purifiers really work for pets?

Yes, air purifiers can be effective in removing pet hair, dander, and odors from the air. However, it is important to choose an air purifier that is specifically designed for pets and has a HEPA filter, as this will capture smaller particles that can cause allergies.

Which air purifier is best for pet smells?

The GermGuardian AC4300BPTCA is a great air purifier for pet smells. It has a 3-in-1 filter that captures pet dander, mold spores, and plant pollen, and it also has a charcoal filter that eliminates pet odors. The Levoit Air Purifier and the Winix 4-Stage True HEPA Air Purifier are also good options.

Can HEPA air purifiers remove pet smells?

HEPA air purifiers can remove pet smells, but it is important to choose a model with an activated carbon filter or a charcoal filter as well. These filters are designed to capture and eliminate odors, which can be especially helpful for pet owners.

Do air purifiers cut down on dust and pet hair?

Yes, air purifiers can help reduce the amount of dust and pet hair in your home. The HEPA filter in an air purifier can capture small particles, including pet hair and dander, while the activated carbon filter can help eliminate odors that can attract dust and other allergens.

Where is the best place to put an air purifier?

The best place to put an air purifier is in the room where your pet spends the most time. This will help ensure that the air your pet breathes is clean and free of allergens. It is also a good idea to place an air purifier near your pet's bed or favorite spot to help reduce pet odors and dander.

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