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Whole Body Vibration Platforms

Shop our selection of Whole Body Vibration Platforms at Carbon Wellness. These tools offer a unique way to stay healthy and feel great, providing the benefits of a full workout without the strain of traditional exercises. Enjoy a workout experience that helps you burn energy and maintain fitness effortlessly.

Whole Body Vibration Platforms are innovative tools that do more than just shake up your workout routine – they pack a wealth of scientifically-backed health benefits into each session, embraced by both professional athletes and people seeking everyday wellness alike.

Imagine a workout that increases muscle strength and bone density, boosts your balance and flexibility, and even helps you lose weight. That's what you could get with whole-body vibration platforms. The platforms may stimulate hundreds of muscle contractions per minute, toning your body, increasing lean muscle mass, and making weight loss easier and more sustainable.

But the benefits extend beyond fitness. For athletes, the vibration platforms could aid in recovery, reducing soreness and improving strength and stability.

No matter where you are on your wellness journey – whether you're a professional athlete, recovering from an injury, or simply wanting to improve your health and fitness – our Whole Body Vibration Platforms can help you reach your goals.


Top Considerations When Choosing a Vibration Platform

Performance and Power: This is critical as the strength and speed of vibrations directly impact the effectiveness of your workout. You want a platform that can deliver powerful and fast vibrations to stimulate your muscles adequately. 30-35 Hz is an ideal speed for muscle stimulation, although some athletes prefer up to 60 Hz for advanced training.

Size & Portability: A compact and portable platform is important if you have limited space or want the flexibility to move the platform around. 

The Power Plate MOVE® & Personal Power Plate® platforms don't take up a lot of space, and you can even store them under your bed or in a small closet. 

Easy Customization: A platform with easily customizable workouts can enhance the variety of your workout experience. User-friendly controls allow you to easily adjust settings like vibration speed and duration, and choose from a range pre-selected options, making your workouts more efficient and enjoyable. Our Power Plate units even come with a downloadable smartphone app, so you can control your workouts from your phone.

Safety Features: Safety should never be compromised. Anti-slip surfaces, sturdy handles, and safety straps are essential features that prevent accidents and injuries during workouts.

Reputation, Warranty & Service: Choosing a reputable brand ensures that you're purchasing a product that meets certain quality standards. VBX Wellness backs their platforms with a robust 5-year warranty, while Power Plate supports their products with a 3-year warranty. These warranties offer an added level of assurance, promising repair or replacement in the event of product defects or issues. Moreover, Power Plate has service technicians nationwide who are ready to assist with any technical issues, providing you with peace of mind for your purchase.

Additional Features: Many vibration platforms come with extra features that can enhance your experience and make your workouts more effective. Look for built-in workout programs that guide you through various routines, complimentary accessories such as hand straps and a rubber mat for extra stability during your workout, and even dust covers to protect your device when not in use.


Carbon Wellness Recommendations

Personal Power Plate -This is a great choice if you're looking for the best budget personal vibration plate on the market. It has a professional-grade motor that provides a powerful vibration at 35 Hz, ensuring an effective workout. Easily manage your sessions with a 30 or 60-second timer. Its portability makes it an unmatched choice for a convenient workout, whenever, wherever.

Power Plate MOVE - A more advanced version of the Personal Power Plate. It allows for up to 9-minute sessions and offers six settings with vibration speeds from 30 to 40 Hz. It also includes low and high-intensity levels. With an optional Stability Bar, it's comparable to pricier home units like the Power Plate my5.

Power Plate my7 - A top-of-the-line home unit. It not only offers customizable workouts but also features an integrated LCD touchscreen. This advanced display, equipped with Functional Interactive Training (F.I.T.) software, guides you smoothly through each stage of your Power Plate workout, making it a truly interactive experience.

Power Plate pro7 - The most advanced vibration platform available, designed specifically for commercial use. This model comes with the largest Power Plate platform, capable of accommodating a max load of 410 lbs. It's equipped with embedded proMOTION multidirectional cables that offer variable resistance, providing a comprehensive workout experience. It also features integrated Functional Interactive Training (F.I.T.) software.

VBX 4000 - One of the most powerful and budget-friendly vibration platforms available. Featuring 120 different settings and a vibration frequency range of 1-60 Hz. Powered by two 2.0 HP motors, it can generate up to 17.2 G's of force and can support up to 500 lbs.

If you need help choosing the right Whole Body Vibration Platform for your needs, feel free to email us at or give us a call from 8 am - 8 pm CST at 888-963-9454, and we’d be happy to help you.

For more whole-body wellness solutions, you might also like our collections of PEMF Devices, Portable Far Infrared Saunas, and Hyperbaric Chambers, and more. 

Discover the perfect addition to your wellness regimen now!


To learn more about Whole Body Vibrations, read our articles:

Power Plate: The Best and Easiest Vibration Plate for Home Use - Benefits and Features: A comprehensive overview of the benefits of using a vibration plate for home workouts, and why Power Plate is the best choice for this.

Best Vibration Plate for Bone Density: Discusses the benefits of using a vibration plate for improving bone density, improved muscle strength, and reduced risk of osteoporosis, with a specific recommendation for the Power Plate brand.

Power Plate: The Best Vibration Plate for Weight Loss: This article states the benefits of using a vibration plate for weight loss. Explains that vibration plates are fitness devices that use high-frequency vibrations to stimulate muscles and promote weight loss.

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