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best time to sauna

When Is the Best Time to Sauna for Maximum Health Benefits?

Figuring out the best time to sauna can really boost how good it makes you feel. Saunas can relax your muscles, get your blood flowing better, and even make your skin look great. Plus, they can help you feel less stressed. It's about matching the sauna's benefits with when they fit best in your day.

Some say it's great to use a sauna after working out to help your muscles recover. Others like a sauna in the morning to wake up their bodies. Whatever time you pick, just keep it to about 15-20 minutes, especially if you're new, and make sure to drink plenty of water.

Want to learn more about the best time to soak up the heat? Keep reading for more tips and tricks.

Optimal Time for Sauna Usage

optimal time for sauna - best time

The key to maximizing the benefits of sauna use depends on aligning sessions with your schedule, your body's natural rhythms, and specific wellness goals.

Morning Sauna

Engaging in a sauna session during the morning can jumpstart your day by elevating your body temperature, specifically promoting blood flow and stimulating your metabolism. This can lead to increased energy and enhanced mental clarity, which might positively impact your day ahead.

Additionally, morning sauna use has been associated with a rejuvenation effect, making it a conducive time for those looking to kickstart their day with vitality.

Why Morning Saunas Are Beneficial

Energy and Metabolism:

  • Boosted Energy: Starting your day with a sauna session can invigorate your senses and heighten your energy levels.
  • Enhanced Metabolism: Exposure to the heat of the sauna in the morning may help kickstart your metabolism, potentially contributing to better digestion and weight management throughout the day.

Improved Circulation and Blood Flow:

  • Circulation: The heat from a morning sauna session can increase your heart rate, similar to the effects of a mild workout, leading to better circulation.
  • Blood Flow: Enhanced blood flow early in the day ensures that your muscles and brain get an ample supply of oxygen, preparing you for the tasks ahead.


  • Ensure proper hydration as your body is recovering from sleep-induced dehydration.
  • Morning sessions may invigorate your circadian rhythm, promoting alertness throughout the day.

Afternoon Sauna

If you prefer a mid-day break, an afternoon sauna might serve as a perfect interlude for stress relief and relaxation.

This can also be an opportune time to visit the gym and incorporate a sauna session post-workout, which aids in recovery by relaxing tight muscles and promoting blood flow.

Just remember to hydrate adequately before and after to avoid dehydration.

Advantages of Afternoon Sauna Use

  • Hydration Focus: Afternoon sauna sessions spotlight the importance of staying hydrated; ensuring you drink enough water can prevent dehydration and maintain optimal function as you enjoy the benefits of the sauna.
  • Stress Relief: Taking a sauna break during a busy day can act as an effective stress management tool, allowing you moments of relaxation and a mental reset.


  • Sauna use after physical activity helps in dilating blood vessels, improving blood flow.
  • Hydration is crucial, especially if the sauna follows a workout.

Evening Sauna

In the evening, the sauna can be a sanctuary for unwinding.

Evening sessions are conducive to muscle relaxation, alleviating soreness from the day's activities.

The heat from the sauna can also prepare you for a better night's sleep by promoting relaxation and lowering stress levels.

Your heart rate naturally drops in the evening, which might sync well with the soothing effects of the heat.

Relaxation and Stress Relief:

  • Reduced Stress: Evening sauna sessions encourage profound relaxation, helping you unwind after a day's stress.
  • Preparation for Sleep: The post-sauna cooling period can lower your heart rate and blood pressure, which are conducive to a good night's sleep, aiding in better sleep quality.

Recovery and Health:

  • Muscle Soreness: Using a sauna in the evening can alleviate muscle soreness and stiffness, promoting recovery.
  • Heart Health: Regular evening sauna use may contribute to improved heart health, as the relaxing environment supports cardiovascular function.


  • While an evening sauna can be relaxing, give yourself time to cool down post-session to ensure it doesn't interfere with your sleep.
  • Pre-sleep hydration is essential, as sweat loss in the sauna can lead to nocturnal dehydration.

For a convenient and cozy alternative, consider a sauna blanket. It brings the same soothing warmth to help relax your body, directly targeting areas in need of recovery while supporting overall heart health. Plus, it fits easily into any home.

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Safety Considerations and Best Practices

Safety Considerations and Best Practices for Best Time to Sauna

When using a sauna, your safety hinges on understanding the correct practices and being mindful of specific health considerations to avoid risks such as dehydration, overheating, and exacerbated health conditions.

Multi-Session Sauna Use Safety

  • Hydration: Ensure you are well-hydrated before entering the sauna. Drink water before, during, and after your sauna sessions to prevent dehydration. It's crucial to replace lost fluids as saunas can cause significant sweating.
Before Sauna
During Sauna
After Sauna
1-2 glasses of water
Sip water as needed
Replenish fluids adequately
  • Cooling Off: Take regular cooling-off breaks to reduce the risk of overheating and fatigue. A cool shower between sessions can help manage body temperature and alleviate stress on the heart.
  • Alcohol: Avoid alcohol before and during sauna use as it can increase the risk of dehydration, dizziness, and nausea.
  • Meals: Refrain from heavy meals before sauna sessions to prevent nausea and discomfort.

Precautions for Specific Health Conditions

  • Heart Health: If you have heart failure, hypertension, or any other heart condition, consult your healthcare provider before using a sauna. Monitor your blood pressure as sauna use may affect it.

  • Kidney Disease: Those with kidney disease need to be cautious due to the body's requirement to process increased fluid intake and manage electrolytes.
  • Pregnancy: Pregnant individuals should seek medical advice before sauna use to avoid any risks related to temperature and dehydration.
  • Sauna Etiquette at the Gym: Familiarize yourself with and adhere to sauna etiquette, especially in shared gym saunas, to maintain a safe and comfortable environment for yourself and others.


The best time to sauna is ultimately a personal choice, but each option has its benefits. Morning saunas might energize you, afternoon sessions could aid in muscle recovery, and evening heat might help you sleep better. Remember to stay hydrated and listen to your body for the safest and most enjoyable experience.

Ready to find your perfect sauna moment? Find your ideal sauna time with our collection, featuring personal, portable, and steambath from Saunacore. Enjoy a morning energizer, an afternoon healer, or an evening relaxer at your convenience. Begin your sauna journey today for better wellness and relaxation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a cold shower after sauna good?

Yes, taking a cold shower after a sauna session is often considered beneficial. The cold water helps close the pores that were opened by the heat, cools the body down, and can invigorate the circulatory system by causing the blood vessels to contract after having been dilated due to the heat. This rapid change in temperature can also enhance the feeling of refreshment and revitalization after the warming effects of the sauna.

Should you shower or sauna first?

It's generally recommended to shower before entering a sauna. A quick rinse cleanses the skin, removes sweat or bacteria, and prepares your body for the heat. It also helps to keep the sauna environment clean for everyone.

However, if you're referring to whether you should take a hot or cold shower before or after sauna use, a warm shower before can help your body start to adjust to the heat, whereas a cold shower afterwards can be refreshing and beneficial as mentioned above.

Should I sauna every day?

Using a sauna every day is a personal choice and can depend on your health and how your body responds to heat. Some people find daily sessions beneficial for relaxation and detoxification, while others may prefer less frequent use.

As long as you are healthy, hydrate well, and listen to your body to prevent overheating or dehydration, daily use is generally considered safe. However, it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you have underlying health issues or are new to sauna use.

Do you burn calories in a sauna?

While you may burn some calories in a sauna due to increased heart rate and body effort to cool itself, it should not be considered a substantial weight loss method. 

The weight you lose during a sauna session is primarily water weight from sweating, which will be regained once you rehydrate. Saunas are best used for relaxation and potentially flushing toxins from the body rather than for calorie burning.

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